Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Stu Who.

Character Info
Real Name: Stuart Whool
Ring Name/Alias: Stu Who.
Nickname: 'Mr 150%'
General Info
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 220 pounds
Hometown: Queens, New York
Alignment: Face
Manager: None

Move Information

(1)Name: Who Dunnit!
(1)Description: Running Lou Thez press to the back of the opponent from behind, driving their face into the mat with both hands, knees in the small of their back.
The Who Dunnit! is an ambush move, designed to catch an opponent unawares. If Stu is performing a run-in attack, he will usually use this move, hitting the opponent hard without them able to see it coming.

(2)Name: 1-50!
(2)Description: A leaping body splash to a downed opponent from the top turnbuckle. The emphasis is on height of jump and distance travelled, the longer and higher the better. An homage to the 'Superfly'.

Desperation Finisher
(1)Name: Nemesis Stretch
(1)Description: Full-nelson Camel Clutch submission move. An homage to his friend James 'Nemesis' Newson's characteristc brutal, near-unescapable finisher.

Wrestling/Fighting Style: Typical Light-heavyweight and moderate high-flyer. Understands his own strength limits and prefers moves that do not require lifting the opponent, such as Over-Castles, Bulldogs, DDTs, Sunset Flips, Dragon screws, swinging neckbreakers and the like. Not much of a striker, he prefers to use kicks if necessary, and he espcially enjoys using Dropkicks as reversals. Aerial moves include Shooting Stars, Leg Drops and 450 flips.

15-20 moves that your fighter/wrestler uses that fit your height weight and style.


1) Pacemaker: leaping rear neckbreaker, like an RKO only behind the opponent (opponent landing on their back)
2) Cutt-off: A Stunner (or Cutter) droppin down onto both knees rather than the Stone Cold variant, and usually done as a reversal to an attempted grapple from behind.
3) Stu-per Kick: As a face, this is the traditional superkick to the chin, and can be a match-ender if necessary. As a heel, this is a sickening shot the jaw, usually from a blindside and very stiff. This 'tweak' is usually referred to as the 'Stu-por' kick, as it is designed to leave the opponent dazed and confused.
4) Stu-per Suplex: A super-half nelson suplex, ripping the opponent off the top turnbuckles, but by wrapping his feet under the second rope, Stu remains on the turnbuckles and in perfect position to hit a 1-50 or similar diving move. Similar to a Spider Suplex, only with the half-nelson tweak. Release is slightly earlier too.
5) Perfect Hurricanrana: Done from a standing start, Stu leaps up and performs a picture-perfect hurricanrana. Occasionally keeps the hold synched at the end and hooks a leg for a pin attempt.
6) 1-5-0: A (somewhat blatant rip-off) 619, using the same setup and execution. Usually used as a setup for something bigger, or a pop-move, rather than a match ender.
7) Reconciliation: Cattle Mutilation submission.

'Regular Moves'

8) Fireman's carry then dropkick to back.
9) Spike piledriver.
10) Snap Suplex
11) Swinging neckbreaker
12) Bulldog
13) Dragonscrew (up to x3 in succesion)
14) Face-wash / Bootscrape to opponent sitting in corner
15) Springboard Over Castle (springboard off top rope, grab opponent's head from behind and flip over the top of them, driving face into mat.)
16) Kitchen Sink
17) Single-leg crab.
18) Springbord drop-kick
19) Flipping Senton (to downed opponent)
20) Standing moonsault (to downed opponent)

Entrance Info

Entrance Theme: "Ten Thousand Fists" by Disturbed

Detailed Entrance description:

The arena darkens and the crows cheer as the spangly synth intro to Disturbed's "Ten Thousand Fists" echoes out around the arena, slowly building up as the Sin Tron flickers into life, showing a silhouette walking towards the screen, surrounded by static crackle. As the drums kick in, strobes flash along in time with them, a bang of blue pyro shooting up in front of the entrance with each off-beat snare hit. The screen flashes up.





There is the briefest of pauses before the lyrics kick in, the lights coming up bright white he same instant as Stu Who bursts out the curtain, fists raised to the sky, the crowd cheering even louder.


Stu charges down the ramp to the ring, slapping the hands of the audience all along the way. As the verse plays out, Stu pauses for each 'ah-ah' to lead the crowd in pumping their fists in the air. As the chorus hits, he slides into the ring, leaping up the nearest turnbuckle to stand at the top. Surveying the audience, he sweeps his finger across them, pointing to each and every one, finally, triumphantly raising his fist in time with the final line, the audience following suit to reveal a sea of pumping fists.


Dropping down, Stu continues to lead the crowd in fist pumping along to the music, awaiting his opponent/s / continues until fade out, mounting the opposite turnbuckles for the second chorus.

Picture Base/Poser: Alex Shelley.

Background Info

Biography/Upbringing/Influences: Born in Queens, New York the son of a NYPD Detective father and a nurse mother. His father was killed in the line of duty when Stu was only 15, so Stu had to pitch in with work to help bring home the bacon. He started working for a local boxing and wrestling gym as a ring hand, setting up the stage and ring before shows and taking it down afterwards. After turning 16, Mr Panucci, the promoter, allowed the kid to start training for the ring itself, using him as a masked jobber for many shows. He instilled in the young man a sense of wrestling tradtion, especially how to lose gracefully and make any opponent look good, and that skill is something Stu prides himself on today.

A gifted, agile athlete, and possessing of a fierce determination and 'won't quit' attitude, Stu may not be the worlds strongest, or fastest, or most technically sound, but he is easily one of the most committed to the 'art' and the 'performance'. Even when not in the main event spotlight, Stu will work with what he is given to produce the best match he can. His mantra of 'give 150%' has become his trademark and nick-name, and has dictated his work ethic from the very start.
Although he won't talk about it, it is heavily rumoured that the 'give 150% to everything you do' ideal was instilled by his father not long before he was tragically killed in a botched hostage case.

As a wrestler, Stu was a predominant feature on the indy circuits across the US, learning from the best of the rest, and building up a healthy respect from his peers. This came to a head when he opened his own company with friend and partner, James 'Nemesis' Newson, the "Who?s Who Talent Agency". This agency operates today, as a talent database of wrestlers, boxers and Mixed-martial artists that has helped launch the careers of many promising stars in the past 6 years.

Stu Who first appeared in Frontier Wrestling Alliance (as one-half of the tag-team 'The Nobodies' with Ian Cognito) before moving to New Way Wrestling (as, a walk-on cameo, with Ian Cognito as 'The Nobodies', as 'Paragon Gamma' in 'Team Paragon) then on to Black Dawn Wrestling (as a member of 'Team Paragon' then later as a solo outing where he won the Commonwealth Championship) before finally working in the International Society of Grappling Arts as a manager while he rehabbed a torn abdominal muscle. Before coming to EWW, Stu appeared in a few memorial events and one-off cards.

His promising career in SCW, leading the new 'SCW' mentality, was tragically cut short in a drive-by shooting a few short weeks after the company changed name.

Mentality/Personal Traits/Mannerisms: Somewhat arrogant, smack-talking smart-ass backstage, Stu is capable of playing both sides of an audience, usually to the extremes. He is yin and yang in the same body, but never the two at the same time, preferring to either be overwhelmingly face, or downright heel.
Two overriding constants are his backstage promo ability to get under his opponent's skin, usually through the use of outight abuse, as well as his 'give 150%' work ethic that makes him push himself as hard as he can.
As a face, he makes every effort to make the match memorable and enjoyable, a a heel he doesn't give a flat damn about his opponent's rep, or the fans and employs every dirty trick in the book he can get away with.
However, Stu does not use weapons much. He aint 'hardcore' though he will put up one hell of a fight against anyone that tries to say otherwise. He prefers to dominate through ability and effort, rather than something as cheap as a chair or title-belt shot, and when it comes to run-ins and ambushes, his own finisher is more than up to the task.
Stu is a showman, and has been wrestling on and off since his 16th birthday, as such he has a basic wrestling knowledge of all moves and styles. While not a listed submission artist, he does know a few more than a simple headlock, and if he could be said to use any particular submission move it would be a single-leg boston crab.

Crowd Interaction: Face: Play to the crowd as much as possible, garnering their suport and admiration. Heel: Deride the crowd as much as posible, garnering their hate and derision. He feeds off either, and in some heel situations, will actually feed of the support for the other guy, 'stealing' their heat.

Pain Tolerance/Stamina: Pain tolerance: Moderate. Stamina: High. However, Stu is an 'effort monkey', and will give as much of himself as he can, seeminly more than some others can manage. This '150% ethic permeates everything he does, and he won't quit mentally until his body gives out physically. He isn't particlarly tolerant of pain though, and will back off if an opponent targets a body part too heavily.

Catchphrases and/or signature poses/taunts/gimmick elements:
"150% Baby!" (facey-shout to end dialogue, or taunt in ring)
"The Who-man Stu!" (self-reference)
"Fuck-mook" (favorite insult to opponent's / stupid people)
(crowd chanting along):"WHO


"WHO LOVES YOU! AND WHO DO YOU LOVE?!" (crowd roars back "WHO!")
"Can I get a WHO-RA?!" (crows answers 'WHO RA!')

Past Feds: NWW, BDW, ISGA, EWW and Various one-off Indy Events.

Past Titles Held: BDW Commonwealth Champion. EWW United Champion.

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