Tuesday, 17 March 2009

JT cash

Character Info
Real Name: Unknown, J.T. has never devulged this information
Ring Name/Alias: J.T. Cash
General Info
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 245 lbs
Hometown: Windham, Maine
Alignment: (Neutral, Heel, Face, if any): Neutral
Manager(if any): None, but sometimes is accompanied to the ring by Alexis Steele.

Move Information
(1)Name: Money in the Bank
(1)Description: J.T. hoists his opponent up to a vertical position and then finishes of the move in a power slam fashion(AKA the Jackhammer)

(2)Name: The ATM(Automatic tap-out Maneuver)
(2)Description: The Scorpion Death lock

Desperation Finisher
(1)Name: The Final Transaction
(1)Description: J.T. grabs his opponent in a full nelson. J.T. then rears back and drives his opponent forward. face planting him into the canvas.(Think Jeff Jarrets stroke but in a full nelson position)

Wrestling/Fighting Style: Grappler/Technical

15-20 moves that your fighter/wrestler uses that fit your height weight and style.

Front DDT, Reverse DDT, Pump handle Power slam, Torture Rack, Flying clothesline, Flying elbow smash, Flying body press from top rope, Enziguri, Full Nelson, Full Nelson slam, Dropkick from second rope, Backbreaker, Figure Four Leg lock, Knife Edge Chest Chops

Entrance Info

Entrance Theme: The Almighty Dollar by Ozzy Ozbourne

Detailed Entrance description: The opening riff of the Almighty Dollar stars and J.T. hit’s the ramp. He stops at the top of the ramp and just looks at the crowd before slowly making his way to the ring sliding under the bottom rope.

Picture Base/Poser: Buff Bagwell

Background Info

Biography/Upbringing/Influences: J.T. was an all-American wrestling star at the University of Maine. After Graduation J.T. decided to give pro wrestling a try and joined a wrestling school to learn the basics before joining the EWW/SCW. J.T. is rich via his family's business, and until recently you never would have known it. J.T. has his own private jet, and loves to live the good life.

Mentality/Personal Traits/Mannerisms: J.T. was a wide-eyed newbie. Now he is a three year veteran who knows that it takes more than good looks and body to succeed. J.T. has recently began to do whatever he needs to do in the rig to win matches. J.T. has also began to show a darker side to himself.

Crowd Interaction: J.T. doesn't interact with the crowd anymore, but he will strike a pose just for the ladies!

Pain Tolerance/Stamina: J.T. can withstand a lot of pain due to his well chiseled physique. His college wrestling and intense personal training has given him a lot of stamina.

Catchphrases and/or signature poses/taunts/gimmick elements: “It’s not Cockiness, It’s confidence!”

Past Feds: None as this character. ECCWF, WWE, XCW, ECW, ECCW(As Drakos)

Past Titles Held: Intercontinental, Tag team(w/ Drakos), Television(3x), No limits, North American

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