Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Charles Max

Character Info
Real Name: Charles Max
Ring Name/Alias: Charles Max
General Info
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 248lbs
Hometown: New York, NY
Alignment: (Neutral, Heel, Face, if any): Netuarl
Manager(if any): Lizzette Morgan
user posted image

Move Information

Finishing Move: The Ball Drop - Description: Off the top rope Power bomb

Wrestling/Fighting Style:Brawler
1) The MuscleBuster
2) Choke Sleeper
3) Running Corner Forearm Smash
4) Standing Release Sidewalk Slam
5) Chokeslam
6) Yakuza Kick
7) Power Slam
8) Powerbomb
9) Gore
10) The Big Man Dive
11) DDT
13)Knee to face
14)Inverted Indian Deathlock
15)Spinning Spinebuster

Entrance Info

Entrance Theme: MVP Theme Song

Detailed Entrance description: The arena goes pitch black and then his theme song come blasting over the speakers. Charles Max step out from behind the curtains by his side is Lizzette Morgan his wife wearing a business suit as she walked down the ramp and play to the fans as he pump his self up at the top of the ramp. She stop in the bottom of the ramp and point up to the top and he wait for the pryos goes off and he does his little move along with the pryos going off. He jump in his spot and she move out of the way and he came running down fast to the ring and slide under the bottom rope as she climb inside of the ring and walked over to him and give him a kiss as he look up at the ramp waiting for the person he facing to come down to the ring.

Picture Base/Poser: user posted image

Background Info

Biography/Upbringing/Influences:Charles Max was born in Brooklyn but move to the city when he was younger. He had a bad childhood but it all change once he started to training. He work in little company here and there to work on his craft till the point the felt like he was ready to make it into the big light. While he was training at all the different school to get his craft just right he run and found the love his life which he never thought he would have found. That would be Lizzette Morgan who is a form wrestler her self who had to retired earlier because of the fact she her mother clubs seems to be more important to her to keep running then her career. He has helped her run her clubs and also been wrestles in different company. They both are ready to take the challenges that SCWE will threw at him.

Mentality/Personal Traits/Mannerisms:If you push him over the edge he can snap. Has a hot tempter.

Crowd Interaction: Cheers him.

Pain Tolerance/Stamina: He can take it.

Catchphrases and/or signature poses/taunts/gimmick elements:

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